Sunday, September 11, 2011

911 - 10th anniversary

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Families, rescue workers and politicians gathered today amid a mix of tears, applause and patriotic cheers of "U-S-A" at 9/11 memorials in New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
The 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks brought special ceremonies at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the field in Shanksville. Pa., where the planes crashed. President Obama laid a wreath of white flowers outside the Pentagon as a brass quintet played "Amazing Grace" this afternoon, before he and first lady Michelle Obama spoke with family members of victims.
Earlier, Obama read a Psalm at the morning ceremony at the World Trade Center, and then arrived to applause and chants of "U-S-A, U-S-A" at a wreath-laying ceremony in Shanksville at noon, where he and the first lady shook hands and spoke with many members of the crowd gathered there.
In Virginia, family members and first responders held a moment of silence with Vice President Joe Biden to honor the time when American Airlines flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon.
Biden said that what took place after the plane struck the Pentagon "was far more remarkable than the damage inflicted in the building behind me" as Pentagon employees and first responders risked their lives to help those trapped by the plane's impact.
To applause, he declared, "I can say without fear of contradiction or being accused of exaggeration, the 9/11 generation ranks among the greatest our nation has ever produced. And it was born, it was born, it was born right here on 9/11."
In New York, the annual reading of the nearly 3,000 names was punctuated this year by family members' visits to the memorial fountains at the new 9/11 Memorial Plaza, in which the names of those killed are etched in bronze. Some placed a flag or flowers.

President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama pause for a moment of silence at the wreath laying ceremony at the Flight 93 National Memorial Sunday, Sept., 11, 2011 in Shanksville, Pa., on the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.
 One woman threw her arms on the name of her loved one, put her head down and sobbed. Many took paper and pencil and making an etching, as one might at a graveyard.
Many members of the audience could be seen and heard crying throughout the reading, while some shouted, "We love you," as the name of their loved one was said aloud.
"My big brother, Joseph Michael Ciccone, we love you and miss you," one speaker said. "It's 10 years, but it's still not easy. Your family loves you and misses you."
"She wanted to work for justice but died from injustice," Tanya Garcia said of her 21-year-old sister, Marlyn, a graduate of NYC's John Jay College of Criminal Justice who died while working at Marsh & McLennan Cos., a financial services firm that lost 295 employees and 63 contractors in the attack. "She was a victim of horrendous terrorism."
New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg opened the ceremony with the first city-wide moment of silence at 8:46 a.m. to commemorate the moment when American Airlines Flight 11 struck the North Tower. Obama then read from Psalm 46, which starts, "God is our refuge and strength."
The ceremony also included performances by Yo-Yo Ma, James Taylor and Paul Simon.
Among the crowd gathering at the memorial plaza this morning were children too young to have been alive 10 years ago, clutching Teddy bears and wearing dresses with flags sewn into them, family members wearing T-shirts with the words "Never Forget" emblazoned on them, and T-shirts commemorating members of those fire department ladder units and police precincts who perished in the attack.
Mario Montoya came to remember his best friend, Harry Ramos, who worked on the 82nd floor of the North Tower.
"Every year, I come here to feel closer to him," Montoya said.
Police and security presence at the memorial and throughout Lower Manhattan remained significant; police dogs and armed guards were present throughout the ceremony. New York City police commissioner Raymond Kelly told ABC News that there was no new information on a suspected terror plot, but "no reason to lessen our alert status."
After the Shanksville ceremony, Obama visited the Pentagon. He is also scheduled to attend a Concert for Hope at the Kennedy Center in Washington tonight, and deliver a 15-minute speech on the attacks.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Chinese Teachers' Day Today

Today is Sept. 10th,2011,Chinese Teachers' Day.

China has celebrated Teacher's Day since 1931 when it was founded at National Central University. The holiday was suspended in the 1950's but revived in 1985.
Taiwan celebrates Teachers' Day on Sept. 28, which coincides with Confucius' birthday because Confucius is seen by many as the ultimate educator. UNESCO celebrates International Teachers' Day on Oct. 5. The U.S. National Education Association celebrates Teachers' Day on the second Tuesday in May.
No matter when Teachers' Day is celebrated, any day is a great day to thank a teacher who made a difference in your life. Share stories of your teachers here.

Happy Teachers' Day! Wish all the teachers can make their dreams come true!

Teaching "respectable" but "arduous" job in China

While most Chinese describe teaching as a "respectable" job, increasingly people have become concerned with the health conditions of educators due to the great pressure and heavy workload, according to the results of surveys released here on Tuesday.
    The two surveys, one soliciting 90,964 public responses and the other a poll of 51,488 teachers, were conducted by the China YouthDaily research center in the run-up to the country's 24th Teacher's Day on Sept. 10.
    About 85 percent of the public believed teaching was an "arduous" job, and 78 percent described the profession as "respectable," the Beijing-based newspaper said. 
Students show a drawing at Huanfeng Primary School in Hanshan County, east China’s Anhui Province, Sept. 9, 2008. The students put their hand prints on a huge cloth to form number ’9.10’, indicating the date of Chinese Teacher’s Day, as a gift for their teachers.
The results also revealed 10 percent of teachers often got sick. They listed the high pressure of helping students to achieve good academic results, long working hours and the low pay as the top factors detrimental to health.
    About 55 percent of teachers said they worked eight to 10 hours daily, while 26 percent said they averaged more than 10 hours a day. Only 19 percent said they worked less than eight hours.
    "I usually work more than 10 hours a day," a middle-school math teacher surnamed Pan was quoted as saying. "I have to correct students homework and prepare my lessons after work. Sometimes, I must tutor some students to help them achieve good marks in exams."
    Teacher's Day was launched in 1985 to improve the social status of educators and to ask the entire nation to respect them and to seek knowledge.
    Despite the great pressure, 54 percent of the teachers said they would take education as their lifetime profession.

Article From

Friday, September 9, 2011

How To Enhance Your Individuality

Fashion Accessories are the absolute way to accord an catastrophe blow to your outfit. These advice in cogent your character and individuality. Of all, jewelery items are the a lot of popular. These are advised for altered types of individuals, behindhand of age or gender, admitting women adulation these added than annihilation else. These appear in a array of forms from acceptable gemstone to beefy ones to clothing your taste.

Fashion is best if you accurate your character and individuality in adjustment to accomplish a claimed statement. Actualization accessories advice you in accomplishing just that. Accessories consistently become a allotment of you and mark your identity. These even accomplish the added than accepted accouterments alone yours. Your accouterments is never complete after an accent that complements your personality and actualization adeptness as well. There are a array of actualization accessories, of which jewelery is the a lot of popular.

Fashion accessories are advised for altered types of individuals, behindhand of age or gender, admitting women adulation these added than annihilation else. For teenagers and children, accepted actualization jewelery pieces generally cover bright items, as able-bodied as agreeableness necklaces or agreeableness bracelets. In agreement of men, a accepted section of jewelery generally includes ample chaplet necklaces, abounding of which affectation a cantankerous or addition accepted or allusive symbol. As for women, accepted pieces of actualization jewelery cover earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets, pins, and so forth. No amount what your choices are, actualization accessories can accentuate, highlight or enhance your all-embracing look.

There is an all-encompassing ambit of actualization jewelery items acclimated as accessories that authority around-the-clock adorableness and is absolute to acclaim your attire. These are fabricated of assorted abstracts such as gems, jewels, crystals, chaplet or leather. Apart from the acceptable and comfortable gemstone jewelery; chunky, larger, adventurous section of jewelery with mix and bout colors are accepting acceptance as these accord a blue attending and accomplish a huge aberration to your appearance. These beefy ones are mainly fabricated of beneath admired abstracts like abject metals, glass, wood, admirable silver, leather, plastic, and constructed stones; and are quiet trendy. These add a lot of animation and blush to any adapted attire. There is an adapted bout for every dress for every occasion.

In adjustment to adore the continued activity of your actualization jewelery, even if it is beneath expensive, you will charge to yield added care, to ensure its actualization and shine. You can extend its lifetime by never accepting it wet. Keep it dry, back damp can could cause its colors to achromatize or even rust. It is appropriate not to abrasion your actualization jewelery regularly, rather abrasion them occasionally and again yield it off.

Earrings and armlet bracelets are advised as one of the a lot of archetypal actualization accessories.
All these accessories are calmly accessible in all amount ranges to clothing your pocket. Acceptable gem jewelery ability amount you more, so you can try added gem kinds like sparkling rhinestone, if you are not absorbed in beefy ones and adulation to dazzle. If bought at the amount of broad rhinestone bracelets will not be abundant on your pocket. Along with any of the jewelery accessories, accord a absolute catastrophe blow to your accouterments with added actualization accessories as able-bodied like belts, handbags, purses, biking bags, shoes and abounding more.

Where to attend for Latest Fashion Trends?

Looking Acute and adorable is a allurement harder to abide for anyone, of any age group. It is generally said that aboriginal consequence is the endure impression; at atomic if you accept gone for a job account or a date. Searching smart, assured and attractive, adds something added to your personality, and helps others body an assessment about you.
In the 21st century, the newspapers, appearance magazines, television, appearance website and appearance blogs accept generated abundant appearance acquaintance amidst people, abnormally the youth. Nowadays, anybody wants to accept admission to the latest appearance clothing, artist dresses, that they see celebrities, the top and boss humans cutting at parties, big cine and music launches.
Fashion by analogue changes consistently and anybody these canicule attending advanced to accumulate themselves acclimatized to the latest trends, as the growing appearance industry comes up with innovative, acute and adult appearance trends every added day. However, it is not attainable for anybody to change their apparel every added day, with changes in the appearance trends. But the allurement of searching acute and admirable is absolutely harder to resist.
R.H. appearance is an chance fabricated by R.H. International LTD, advice this every growing appearance industry, 5 years ago. Our cast name is Sonnemond. Our appearance designers actualize top superior artist abrasion and appearance accessories, according to latest appearance tends.
One Indian appearance artist already said that appearance is for affluent people. R.H. appearance aims at business artist accouterment attainable to everyone. But that does not beggarly we are aspersing the standards of the accouterment or architecture by any means.
R.H. appearance organized a appearance appearance at New Delhi's Ashoka Hotel on 18 - 06 - 2007,where we presented array of dresses based on the affair of ' Ink and Tattoo'. All the dresses were advised by artist Sunny Arora, who was aswell awarded the best Designer's Award by acclaimed filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar, who was aswell the arch guest.
At R.H. Appearance we architecture clothes and accessories according to latest fashions. We are aswell avant-garde in our plan and aswell appear up with designs that are trend setters. So far we accept been authoritative collections on UK appearance styles. We are now searching advanced to plan in accord with malls and food in Delhi and NCR Territories.