Saturday, September 3, 2011

Xu Song (Vae), a Chinese Creative Singer I love!

Name: 许嵩 (Xu Song)

Hometown: He fei, An hui Province- China

English Name: Vae     

Birthday: May 14, 1986 

Height: 5ft 11in

Weight: 132 lb     

Constellation: Taurus 
Education: Bachelor's degree in health management

Talents: Writing, Music composition 
Instruments: Piano
Childhood Dream: Create a software as good as Microsoft Windows™ 

Favorite Cartoon series: Doraemon   

Favorite Music Genre: All kinds
Clothing Style: Casual   

Favorite Food: Not interested in food   

Favorite Place: Home 

    As an independent musician, Vae composes, mixes, records, and edits all of his homemade pieces. As of now, he has NOT signed with any music company.
    Since 2006, Vae has created over 100 original songs, all of which have been on billboards and have acheived a number of downloads beyond measure.
    A young man who is always improving, always coming up with new ideas- Vae

Vae's Website:          
Vae's Personal Blog:

Then as I see..

   Sooo, many people may think- 'o he's just taking Jay Chou's stuff and giving it a twist', I believe that most of Vae's works are highly understated. It may be true that he did walk in Jay's footsteps for a while as a beginner, but hey~ everyone needs to start off somewhere- with some influences and inspirations. Vae did like Jay's songs before he started making his own, but it doesn's lead to the conclusion that he's merely a 'Mainland Jay Chou'. Try to listen to many of his works, especially the ones from the newly released album: <Personalized>. They do have a different style than Jay's; in this case, a different style than any artist on the market. This young man's been through a lot in the past two years. The changes are very distinct in his songs, whether it be the lyrics or the way he tampers with the keyboard/mixer. He is no doubt advancing from an 'online singer' to a real artist. Many think that the way he writes and presents is way beyound young adults his age, i second that.

    Why didn't he go with a company? because he really didn't need one. Although music companies can carry a singer further into the mainstream media, signing a contract is also selling oneself to that particular company for a designated period. The company agrees to carry out a name, not to guarantee fame. Therefore just by signing a contract means nothing unless skills come in first place. Breaking a contract takes millions of yan, why take the chance? The entertainment world is bad enough by itself anyways with rumors and annoying people everywhere.. And i i said before, Vae don't need people to make him look better than he already does. His fans like him for who he is, not for who he has the potential to become. Seriously, an original artist who can create an album from scratch- in his room- is pretty rare nowadays. On top of that, an artist who does not spend his time on advertising his songs, but spends his time supervising album manufactoring and mailing, is pretty rare nowadays (did i mention that the album sold 10,000 preorder copies in a week?). All I can say is, he has too many fans. haha. I hope one day VAE can also be big in countries other than China. I see it, it just takes time


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