Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fashion & Design Academy

Fashion design as a career is particularly in demand especially by young people and the worldwide school possibilities are vast. But the myth of the fashion industry and the career profile given to the public have often little to do with the reality. Today the fashion industry consists of more than only beautiful dresses and creative talent for lasting success. The challenge the designers face lies in viewing the business in its entirety and the difficult balance between design and commerce. Nowa- days, brands pre-define themselves through lifestyle and world experience. To be successful in the fashion market it requires founded knowledge over strategic marketing, sales strategies, PR and production.
Since 2009 the Berlin platform Fashion Patrons, has organised a Fashion & Design Academy with the goal of offering further training and a well-balanced and versatile programme in order to pave the difficult way of starting a company. Covering themes such as business and market-relevant processes, the present conditions of the fashion industry, future development as well as new communication concepts and strategies.

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