Monday, September 5, 2011

Dress Like Your Daughter (and Get Away with It)

I'm not sure what all the fuss is about, but a new study from Temple University states that moms mimic their daughters' style especially when the moms thought of themselves as young at heart (guilty!)
On the flip side, the study -- which is going to be published in the Journal of Consumer Behavior -- stated that teenage daughters do NOT want to emulate mom even if they see their moms as stylish (sorry, researchers, but I coulda told you that.)
We go through this in my house, with two shopping-crazy girls. The interesting thing is that although the 17-year-old has made it crystal clear that she like, totally, has her own style, she sure seems to borrow a lot of stuff from me. The study goes on to call to say that moms copy their daughters style party because they are too busy to figure out for themselves what's in style (uh, maybe it's because we are busy making money to pay for our daughters' shopping sprees!)
If, like me, you have kids going back to school (or even if you don't) why pass up this opportunity to load up on some very fun back-to-school trends that work perfectly well for grown-ups. Are you copying your daughter? Well, maybe a little. But she should take it as a compliment.

(Photo Credit: Gap)

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